Thursday, November 18, 2010

From Eugene to Yaquin and Back

On September 25th Mom and I left Eugene
to spend 2 1/2 weeks in Peru.

Mom and Tía Victoria at the Plaza de Armas, Arequipa.

Mom, Tía Victoria and I went to the cemetery
in Arequipa to visit Abuelita Margarita.

October 3rd was election day in Peru; Tía Victoria votes at a local poll.

Mom, Tía Victoria, and I celebrated birthdays
with friends and family in Arequipa.

Happy 90th birthday, Padrino Teke!

Happy 50th, Roxana!

My friend Mila teaching me to dance La Marinera Norteña.

Friday, October 8th we left Arequipa for Ubinas. The 5+ hour bus ride takes us over mountain ranges, around volcanoes, and across the Salinas pampa.

Bienvenidos a Salinas, Moquegua. We make a brief stop here before continuing on to Tonohaya.

We made it to Tonohaya! Now we start hiking up to Yaquin.

Along the way we stopped to say hello to some family.
Their calf is 3 days old.

We made it to Yaquin! That's Ubinas in the background.

The tallest Eucalyptus in Yaquin.

Mom takes a rest on the way back to Tonohaya.
Volcán Ubinas is in the background.

Tonohaya's church in the main plaza.

In the morning we say goodbye to our friends and family
and catch the bus for Arequipa.

Tire fail!

Luckily we refreshed ourselves at this nearby mountain spring
while the bus tire was being changed.

It's not unusual to share the bus with livestock...

El Misti, from the roof of the house in Arequipa.

¡Ay que rico! Cuy chactado, traditional Peruvian cuisine.

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