Monday, December 14, 2009

Multnomah Falls

Last Thursday Jon and I went up to Multnomah Falls and this is what we saw...

Wind from the falling water makes slanted and curved icicles at the base of the falls.

A creek near the falls has frozen completely.

Here's a video I took trying to capture the whole falls. Notice the build up of ice on the metal railing. That's how much ice was covering every surface of the viewing area (and the steep trail leading to it). We had to pull ourselves up the trail using the hand rail and on the way down we slid--Jon on his feet and me on my seat!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Trip to Anchorage

I spent ten days up in Anchorage painting our house and visiting family.
I did some hiking and went fishing once and enjoyed some good weather.

Possibly the ugliest bathroom ever.

On the way up to Flat Head mountain

Flat Head Mountain and relatives down below.

View from Margaret Eagan Sullivan park

While we didn't get any fish i caught a photo
of this small black bear on the Russian river.

Crash and Burn

Well, marathon #1 is in the bag. Didn't go very well but I'll keep up with the training and get it right next time. I'll post the splits and more details later. Here's a vid of me shuffling to the finish, nearly immobilized by a case of the cramptastics.

Check out the guy that crosses the finish at the end of the video. He was really excited about finishing. I like that. Also, enjoy the great music.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Vista Chinesa

Perched up in the Floresta da Tijuca, the Vista Chinesa gives you a pretty good view of Zona Sul of Rio. Great place to get away during the hot days since the forest is several degrees cooler and there are several little waterfalls scattered along the roadside.

Sugar Loaf in the background.

Stray dog catching some Zs


I thought this was neat street art. Rua Jardim Botânico.

Straight from the Factory

Somethin's for sale...

Get your safes everybody. Never seen that before.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Beautiful Flowers at Mom and Dad's

These Irises have been growing here for over 20 years,
but they have never bloomed...until now. Amazing!

Irises aren't the only flowers in bloom...

What a spectacular show of colors, and just in time.
Happy 28th Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

Urban logging, urban squirrel, urban sunset

After five hours and two broken winches we finally got this bad boy loaded.

We hauled over two tons of walnut wood out to the hill.

Neighborhood squirrel on break

Veiw from Skinner butte to the west.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wood-Mizer and a Brewers Dream

The newest toy on the hill, the Wood-Mizer LT40 diesel.
Who wants to build something?!

Dennis and Jon in the land of giant vats at the Rogue brewery in Newport.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's spring time on the hill!


Jandy, Jamie, Ann, Dennis, and I went and saw the Trailblazers crush the Phoenix Suns late last month. It was quite the show.

Friday, April 17, 2009

More van jams

I'm beginning to think the moving van is just a front and that these are really just homeless musicians. I see these guys all the time now....

Monday, April 13, 2009

morning run in Buenos Aires

I shot these between 7:30 and 8:30. Morning is a great time to get a feel for a city. Lots of sweeping and delivering and bustling. I decided to upload the whole album onto Flikr since there were too many photos to fit on our MTF blog. Also, this way I can get some photos critiqued. I really love my little camera (Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS), but I could use some tips on improving photo quality.

Here is the slideshow:
It should start playing automatically.
If you click on "Show Info" in the upper right corner it will show some descriptions of some of the pics. You can use the arrow buttons at the top of the screen to control the slideshow.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Pretty interesting scene spotted yesterday about 7:45 am in Praça São Salvador in the Flamengo bairro in Rio de Janeiro.
This kind of stuff makes me wish I was a better photographer.
There is a short video at the end of the post....

Friday, April 3, 2009